Residency Objective and Topic

The International Artist Residency Digital Humanities, Humanism, Literature on Site / Humanités, Humanisme, Littérature numériques en Immersion is located in West Africa. It aims to collaboratively forge a new vision of creative and critical practices of digital forms across cultural differences. It will welcome digital artists and creative academic researchers for an on-site immersion to create a work that explores the field of Digital Humanism. Innovative approaches for the region and its culture will be particularly appreciated.

The topic of the residency for 2019, “Reading Together,” asks the still fundamental and vexing question, Can we read together, bridging perspectives from different geographic, political, cultural, and economic sites in West Africa, Europe, and the United States: Read the same texts and artistic works in ways that facilitate shared points of view? Read digital interfaces and data-based processes, agreeing on their editorial enunciation and presuppositions? On the languages in which meta-tagging and data about locations are digitally inscribed on the world. In a general way, can we read together despite our cultural diversities and our different, and sometime conflicting, narratives? The term "read" is used here in a global sense; it is not limited to written texts. Instead, it remains open to how we process any modality of interpretation that creates both meaning and affect, which totally engages the "reader". In the same way, "text" designates any structured set of signs created by a human being and intended for this engaged "reading."

Features of the Residency

The artists/creative scholars in residence will work with the Institute CERCO. The will have to create a work in 5 weeks. During the 6th week, the work will be shown in an exhibition and presented in the second International DH onSite conference in Cotonou which theme is "reading together".

Projects and works that will be done must contain a collaborative part with local people and/or the students of the Institute CERCO. They must engage with issues crucial to the missions of the Institute CERCO, including but not limited to topics such as the following:

  • Literacy and literature
  • Agency
  • Access
  • Digital divide
  • Oral/print/digital cultures
  • Sustainable practices
  • Mobility
  • Globalization
  • Performance
  • Computer devices
  • Web sites
  • Mobiles phones
  • Tablet devices
  • GPS/locative
  • Social media
  • Augmented reality

Participants will have access on to a corpus of documents from the Gallica collection of the French national Library about Benin and ancient Dahomey, covering the time from 15th to 20th century. They are invited to use it or to be inspired by it in their project. Project can use any language but French is encouraged regarding the audience of the Institute CERCO.

Functioning of the Residency

The Institute CERCO will provide lodging. It will help for relationship with local people and will provide a technical support.

Participants will each provide 2 workshops/presentation of 4 hours to students of the Institute.

Participants will receive a financial support for their travel up to 600 € ($680) and will be exempt from the 170 € ($192 or 111 500 CFA) registration fee to the conference. They will be able to have lunch at the Institute CERCO and their lecture during the conference will be published in the proceedings.


January 31th: deadline to post proposals on the Website of the residency. The proposal must be precise, coming with a CV. It will indicate how local people will play a part in the work and what will be the 4-hours workshop.

February 15th: notification of acceptance or refusal.


Call for Communication [PdF: 58Ko]

Call for Residency [PdF: 59Ko]


Call for Communication [PdF: 62Ko]

Call for Residency [PdF: 60Ko]

